Why protesting the United States national anthem makes absolutely no sense

Photo Credit: The New Yorker The one thing that still makes no sense about these United States national anthem protests…is why are they United States national anthem protests if they truly mean what the protesters say they mean, including fighting things like racial inequality and social injustice? If these protesters truly believe in what they are protesting for, by all means they should continue their … Continue reading Why protesting the United States national anthem makes absolutely no sense

How Tim Tebow is really the NFL player who was blackballed for his beliefs

Photo Credit: Deseret News People are quick to say that Colin Kaepernick not having a job in the NFL is a result of the fact that he began the United States national anthem protests in last year’s preseason. These people are essentially claiming that he was blackballed. But if any player was blackballed, it was Tim Tebow. Tebow had 29 total regular season touchdowns and … Continue reading How Tim Tebow is really the NFL player who was blackballed for his beliefs

NFL national anthem protests prove Colin Kaepernick was not blackballed

Photo Credit: Slate     When former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick was not signed to any teams this past NFL offseason, people were quick to say that he was blackballed due to the fact that Never mind the fact thatĀ opted out of his $19 million per year contract with the 49ers and, while unconfirmed, may have turned down several other contracts because he … Continue reading NFL national anthem protests prove Colin Kaepernick was not blackballed

Yes, this photograph is CLEARLY photoshopped

Photo Credit: Facebook Let me be the first to make very clear that I have been against, am against and will continue to be against the NFL national anthem protests. But I am not opposed to players celebrating in a locker room just because someone photoshopped the original photograph of the celebration into a hateful and divisive photo. Here are few ways to tell that … Continue reading Yes, this photograph is CLEARLY photoshopped

Are people protesting the national anthem because it’s ‘trendy’?

Photo Credit: ABC News On August, 26th, 2016, Colin Kaepernick began his United States national anthem by remaining on the bench before the San Francisco 49ers’ preseason game against the Green Bay Patrick. Slowly but surely, other players began to join in his protest. Could that have been a result direct of their lack of ability to think for themselves and their desire for attention? … Continue reading Are people protesting the national anthem because it’s ‘trendy’?

Blaming President Donald Trump for the NFL national anthem protests is blasphemous

Photo Credit: NBC News NFL national anthem protests have really ramped up lately. But do the players protesting even know what they are protesting for? It doesn’t look like it seeing as how someone they believe President Donald Trump is at fault despite the fact that these protests began last August. These athletes who kneel really want to blame Donald Trump for this mess? These … Continue reading Blaming President Donald Trump for the NFL national anthem protests is blasphemous

The NFL is demonstrating hypocrisy at its finest

Photo Credit: Sports Illustrated One of the key things that has been brought to the forefront of the recent national anthem protesters by NFL players is the NFL’s hypocrisy in dealing with the situation. They say this is about the players’ “Freedom of Speech” as guaranteed to them by their First Amendment rights in the U.S. Constitution. That is a flat-out lie and here’s why. … Continue reading The NFL is demonstrating hypocrisy at its finest