June 20th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (47-24), +1  Colorado Rockies (46-26), -1  Los Angeles Dodgers (45-26)  Arizona Diamondbacks (44-26)  Washington Nationals (42-28)  New York Yankees (38-29), +1  Cleveland Indians (37-31), +1  Boston Red Sox (39-31), -2  Chicago Cubs (35-34), +2  Milwaukee Brewers (38-34), -1  Kansas City Royals (34-35), +3  Toronto Blue Jays (34-35), +3  Tampa Bay Rays (37-36), -3  Baltimore Orioles (34-35), … Continue reading June 20th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

June 19th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: WallpaperSafari (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Colorado Rockies (46-26), +1  Houston Astros (46-24), -1  Los Angeles Dodgers (44-26), +1  Arizona Diamondbacks (44-26), +1  Washington Nationals (42-27), -2  Boston Red Sox (39-30)  New York Yankees (38-29)  Cleveland Indians (36-31)  Milwaukee Brewers (38-33)  Tampa Bay Rays (37-35), +1  Chicago Cubs (34-34), +3  Baltimore Orioles (34-34), +3  Texas Rangers (34-34), -3  Kansas City Royals (33-35), +2  Toronto … Continue reading June 19th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

June 18th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (46-23)  Colorado Rockies (45-26)  Washington Nationals (42-26)  Los Angeles Dodgers (43-26)  Arizona Diamondbacks (43-26)  Boston Red Sox (38-30)  New York Yankees (38-28)  Cleveland Indians (35-31), +1  Milwaukee Brewers (37-33), -1  Texas Rangers (34-33), +2  Tampa Bay Rays (36-35), +4  Los Angeles Angels (36-36), +4  Minnesota Twins (34-32), -3  Chicago Cubs (33-34), -3  Baltimore Orioles (33-34), +4 … Continue reading June 18th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

June 17th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (45-23)  Colorado Rockies (44-26)  Washington Nationals (41-26)  Los Angeles Dodgers (42-26)  Arizona Diamondbacks (42-26)  Boston Red Sox (38-29), +1  New York Yankees (38-27), -1  Milwaukee Brewers (37-32)  Cleveland Indians (33-31), +1  Minnesota Twins (34-30), -1  Chicago Cubs (33-33), +1  Texas Rangers (33-33), +1  Kansas City Royals (32-34), +5  Detroit Tigers (32-34), +5  Tampa Bay Rays (35-35) … Continue reading June 17th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

June 16th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (45-22)  Colorado Rockies (43-26), +1  Washington Nationals (40-26), +3  Los Angeles Dodgers (41-26), -2  Arizona Diamondbacks (41-26), -1  New York Yankees (38-26), -1  Boston Red Sox (37-29)  Milwaukee Brewers (36-32)  Minnesota Twins (34-29)  Cleveland Indians (32-31), +6  Toronto Blue Jays (32-33), +1  Chicago Cubs (32-33), +3  Texas Rangers (32-33), +4  Los Angeles Angels (35-35), -4  Tampa … Continue reading June 16th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

June 15th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (45-22)  Los Angeles Dodgers (41-25)  Colorado Rockies (42-26), +1  Arizona Diamondbacks (41-26), +1  New York Yankees (38-25), -2  Washington Nationals (39-26)  Boston Red Sox (37-28)  Milwaukee Brewers (35-32), +5  Minnesota Twins (33-29), -1  Los Angeles Angels (35-34), +4  Tampa Bay Rays (35-33), -2  Toronto Blue Jays (32-33), +3  Seattle Mariners (33-34), +3  Baltimore Orioles (32-32), +3 … Continue reading June 15th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

June 14th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (44-22)  Los Angeles Dodgers (40-25), +2  New York Yankees (38-24), -1  Colorado Rockies (41-26), -1  Arizona Diamondbacks (40-26)  Washington Nationals (39-25)  Boston Red Sox (36-28)  Minnesota Twins (33-28)  Tampa Bay Rays (35-32), +1  Chicago Cubs (32-32), +2  Cleveland Indians (31-30), -2  Texas Rangers (32-32), +2  Milwaukee Brewers (34-32), -2  Los Angeles Angels (34-34), +3  Toronto Blue … Continue reading June 14th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

June 13th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (44-21)  New York Yankees (38-23), +1  Colorado Rockies (41-25), -1  Los Angeles Dodgers (39-25)  Arizona Diamondbacks (39-26), +1  Washington Nationals (38-25), -1  Boston Red Sox (35-28)  Minnesota Twins (32-28)  Cleveland Indians (31-29)  Tampa Bay Rays (34-32), +1  Milwaukee Brewers (33-31), +1  Chicago Cubs (31-32), -2  Toronto Blue Jays (31-32)  Texas Rangers (31-32), +3  Seattle Mariners (32-33), … Continue reading June 13th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

June 12th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (44-20)  Colorado Rockies (41-24)  New York Yankees (37-23)  Los Angeles Dodgers (39-25), +1  Washington Nationals (38-24), -1  Arizona Diamondbacks (39-26)  Boston Red Sox (34-28)  Minnesota Twins (32-27)  Cleveland Indians (31-29)  Chicago Cubs (31-31), +6  Tampa Bay Rays (34-32), +1  Milwaukee Brewers (33-31), -2  Toronto Blue Jays (31-32)  Baltimore Orioles (31-30), -3  Los Angeles Angels (33-33)  St. … Continue reading June 12th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

June 11th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (44-19)  Colorado Rockies (41-23)  New York Yankees (36-23), +1  Washington Nationals (38-23), -1  Los Angeles Dodgers (38-25)  Arizona Diamondbacks (38-26)  Boston Red Sox (34-27)  Minnesota Twins (32-26)  Cleveland Indians (30-29)  Milwaukee Brewers (33-30)  Baltimore Orioles (31-29)  Tampa Bay Rays (33-32), +1  Toronto Blue Jays (30-32), +3  Seattle Mariners (31-32), -2  Los Angeles Angels (32-33), -1  Chicago … Continue reading June 11th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

June 10th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (43-19)  Colorado Rockies (40-23), +1  Washington Nationals (38-22), -1  New York Yankees (35-23), +1  Los Angeles Dodgers (37-25), +1  Arizona Diamondbacks (37-26), -2  Boston Red Sox (33-27), +1  Minnesota Twins (31-26), +1  Cleveland Indians (30-28), +2  Milwaukee Brewers (33-29), +2  Baltimore Orioles (31-28), -4  Seattle Mariners (31-31), +5  Tampa Bay Rays (32-31), +1  Los Angeles Angels … Continue reading June 10th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

June 9th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (43-18)  Washington Nationals (38-21)  Colorado Rockies (39-23)  Arizona Diamondbacks (37-25)  New York Yankees (34-23)  Los Angeles Dodgers (36-25)  Baltimore Orioles (31-27)  Boston Red Sox (32-27)  Minnesota Twins (30-26), +5  Chicago Cubs (30-29), -1  Cleveland Indians (29-28), +2  Milwaukee Brewers (32-29), -2  Toronto Blue Jays (29-31), +2  Tampa Bay Rays (31-31), +2  Los Angeles Angels (31-32), +2 … Continue reading June 9th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

June 8th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (42-18)  Washington Nationals (37-21)  Colorado Rockies (38-23)  Arizona Diamondbacks (36-25)  New York Yankees (33-23)  Los Angeles Dodgers (36-25)  Baltimore Orioles (31-26), +2  Boston Red Sox (32-26), -1  Chicago Cubs (30-28), -1  Milwaukee Brewers (32-28)  Seattle Mariners (30-30), +2  Detroit Tigers (29-29), +3  Cleveland Indians (29-28), -2  Minnesota Twins (29-26), -2  Toronto Blue Jays (29-31), +2  Tampa … Continue reading June 8th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

June 7th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (42-17)  Washington Nationals (37-20)  Colorado Rockies (37-23)  Arizona Diamondbacks (35-25), +2  New York Yankees (32-23), -1  Los Angeles Dodgers (35-25), -1  Boston Red Sox (32-25)  Chicago Cubs (30-27)  Baltimore Orioles (30-26), +3  Milwaukee Brewers (31-28), +1  Cleveland Indians (29-27), -1  Minnesota Twins (29-25), -3  Seattle Mariners (29-30), +1  Los Angeles Angels (30-31), +2  Detroit Tigers (28-29), … Continue reading June 7th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

June 6th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (42-16)  Washington Nationals (36-20)  Colorado Rockies (36-23)  New York Yankees (32-22), +1  Los Angeles Dodgers (35-24), -1  Arizona Diamondbacks (34-25)  Boston Red Sox (31-25)  Chicago Cubs (29-27), +2  Minnesota Twins (29-24), -1  Cleveland Indians (29-26), -1  Milwaukee Brewers (30-28)  Baltimore Orioles (29-26)  Detroit Tigers (28-28)  Seattle Mariners (28-30), +1  Toronto Blue Jays (28-30), -1  Los Angeles … Continue reading June 6th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

June 5th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (41-16)  Washington Nationals (35-20)  Colorado Rockies (36-23), +2  Los Angeles Dodgers (35-23), -1  New York Yankees (32-22), -1  Arizona Diamondbacks (34-25)  Boston Red Sox (31-25)  Minnesota Twins (29-24), +1  Cleveland Indians (29-26), +1  Chicago Cubs (28-27), +1  Milwaukee Brewers (30-27), +1  Baltimore Orioles (29-26), -4  Detroit Tigers (28-28)  Toronto Blue Jays (28-29)  Seattle Mariners (28-30), +3 … Continue reading June 5th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

June 4th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (40-16)  Washington Nationals (34-20)  Los Angeles Dodgers (35-22)  New York Yankees (32-21), +1  Colorado Rockies (35-23), +1  Arizona Diamondbacks (34-24), -2  Boston Red Sox (30-25), +3  Baltimore Orioles (29-25), -1  Minnesota Twins (28-24), -1  Cleveland Indians (28-26), -1  Chicago Cubs (27-27), +2  Milwaukee Brewers (29-27), -1  Detroit Tigers (27-28), +3  Toronto Blue Jays (27-29), -2  St. … Continue reading June 4th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

June 3rd MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (39-16)  Washington Nationals (34-19)  Los Angeles Dodgers (34-22), +3  Arizona Diamondbacks (34-23), -1  New York Yankees (31-21), -1  Colorado Rockies (34-23), -1  Baltimore Orioles (29-24)  Minnesota Twins (28-23), +3  Cleveland Indians (28-25), -1  Boston Red Sox (29-25), -1  Milwaukee Brewers (29-26), -1  Toronto Blue Jays (27-28), +2  Chicago Cubs (26-27), +4  St. Louis Cardinals (26-26), -2 … Continue reading June 3rd MLB Power Rankings & Trends

June 2nd MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (38-16)  Washington Nationals (33-19)  Arizona Diamondbacks (34-22), +1  New York Yankees (31-20), +1  Colorado Rockies (34-22), +1  Los Angeles Dodgers (33-22), -3  Baltimore Orioles (28-24), +1  Cleveland Indians (28-24), +1  Boston Red Sox (29-24), -2  Milwaukee Brewers (29-25), +1  Minnesota Twins (27-23), +1  St. Louis Cardinals (26-25), +3  Tampa Bay Rays (29-27), -3  Toronto Blue Jays … Continue reading June 2nd MLB Power Rankings & Trends

June 1st MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (38-16)  Washington Nationals (33-19), +1  Los Angeles Dodgers (33-21), -1  Arizona Diamondbacks (33-22), +2  New York Yankees (30-20), -1  Colorado Rockies (33-22), -1  Boston Red Sox (29-23), +1  Baltimore Orioles (27-24), +1  Cleveland Indians (27-24), -2  Tampa Bay Rays (29-27), +1  Milwaukee Brewers (28-25), +1  Minnesota Twins (26-23), -2  Toronto Blue Jays (26-27)  Los Angeles Angels … Continue reading June 1st MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Early 2017 MLB Playoff Predictions

Photo Credit: Wikipedia (featured image), ESPN (team logos)   2017 MLB Playoff Predictions   NATIONAL LEAGUE  Washington Nationals, NL East Champion  Los Angeles Dodgers, NL West Champion  Chicago Cubs, NL Central Champion  Colorado Rockies, NL West (Wild Card #1)  Arizona Diamondbacks, NL West (Wild Card #2)     National League Wild Card Game  #5 Arizona Diamondbacks @  #4 Colorado Rockies  Series:  Rockies win, 1-0 (best of 1 series)   … Continue reading Early 2017 MLB Playoff Predictions

May 31st MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (37-16)  Los Angeles Dodgers (33-20)  Washington Nationals (32-19)  New York Yankees (30-19), +1  Colorado Rockies (33-21), -1  Arizona Diamondbacks (32-22)  Cleveland Indians (27-23)  Boston Red Sox (28-23), +1  Baltimore Orioles (26-24), -1  Minnesota Twins (26-22)  Tampa Bay Rays (28-27)  Milwaukee Brewers (27-25)  Toronto Blue Jays (25-27), +3  Texas Rangers (26-27), +4  Los Angeles Angels (27-28), +4 … Continue reading May 31st MLB Power Rankings & Trends

May 30th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (36-16)  Los Angeles Dodgers (32-20), +2  Washington Nationals (31-19), +2  Colorado Rockies (33-20), -2  New York Yankees (29-19), -2  Arizona Diamondbacks (31-22)  Cleveland Indians (26-23), +2  Baltimore Orioles (26-23), +5  Boston Red Sox (27-23), -2  Minnesota Twins (26-21), -2  Tampa Bay Rays (28-26), +3  Milwaukee Brewers (27-24), -2  St. Louis Cardinals (24-24), -2  Chicago Cubs (25-25), … Continue reading May 30th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

May 29th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (35-16)  Colorado Rockies (33-19), +1  New York Yankees (29-18), +1  Los Angeles Dodgers (31-20), +1  Washington Nationals (30-19), -3  Arizona Diamondbacks (31-21)  Boston Red Sox (27-22)  Minnesota Twins (26-20)  Cleveland Indians (25-23), +3  Milwaukee Brewers (27-23), +3  St. Louis Cardinals (24-23), -2  Chicago Cubs (25-24), -2  Baltimore Orioles (25-23), -2  Tampa Bay Rays (27-26), +1  Texas … Continue reading May 29th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

May 28th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (34-16)  Washington Nationals (30-18), +1  Colorado Rockies (32-19), -1  New York Yankees (28-18), +1  Los Angeles Dodgers (30-20), +1  Arizona Diamondbacks (31-20), -2  Boston Red Sox (27-21)  Minnesota Twins (26-19)  St. Louis Cardinals (24-22), +3  Chicago Cubs (25-23), -1  Baltimore Orioles (25-22), -1  Cleveland Indians (24-23), -1  Milwaukee Brewers (26-23)  Los Angeles Angels (26-26), +1  Tampa … Continue reading May 28th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

May 27th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (33-16)  Colorado Rockies (32-18)  Washington Nationals (29-18)  Arizona Diamondbacks (31-19), +1  New York Yankees (27-18), -1  Los Angeles Dodgers (29-20), +1  Boston Red Sox (26-21), +2  Minnesota Twins (25-19), -2  Chicago Cubs (25-22), -1  Baltimore Orioles (25-21)  Cleveland Indians (24-22)  St. Louis Cardinals (23-22)  Milwaukee Brewers (25-23)  Tampa Bay Rays (26-25)  Los Angeles Angels (25-26)  Texas … Continue reading May 27th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

May 26th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (32-16), +1  Colorado Rockies (31-18), -1  Washington Nationals (28-18)  New York Yankees (27-17)  Arizona Diamondbacks (30-19)  Minnesota Twins (25-18)  Los Angeles Dodgers (28-20)  Chicago Cubs (25-21), +1  Boston Red Sox (25-21), +1  Baltimore Orioles (25-20), +1  Cleveland Indians (24-21), +1  St. Louis Cardinals (23-21), -4  Milwaukee Brewers (25-22)  Tampa Bay Rays (25-25), +3  Los Angeles Angels … Continue reading May 26th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

May 25th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: WallpaperSafari (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Colorado Rockies (31-17), +1  Houston Astros (31-16), -1  Washington Nationals (28-17)  New York Yankees (27-17)  Arizona Diamondbacks (29-19), +1  Minnesota Twins (25-18), +1  Los Angeles Dodgers (27-20), -2  St. Louis Cardinals (23-20), +2  Chicago Cubs (24-21), +3  Boston Red Sox (24-21), +3  Baltimore Orioles (25-20), -3  Cleveland Indians (24-21), -3  Milwaukee Brewers (25-21), -2  Los Angeles Angels (25-24) … Continue reading May 25th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

May 24th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (31-15)  Colorado Rockies (30-17)  Washington Nationals (27-17), +1  New York Yankees (26-17), -1  Los Angeles Dodgers (27-19)  Arizona Diamondbacks (28-19)  Minnesota Twins (24-18), +4  Baltimore Orioles (25-19), -1  Cleveland Indians (24-20), +1  St. Louis Cardinals (22-20), -2  Milwaukee Brewers (25-20), -2  Chicago Cubs (23-21)  Boston Red Sox (23-21), +1  Los Angeles Angels (25-23), +1  Texas Rangers (24-22), … Continue reading May 24th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

May 23rd MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (30-15)  Colorado Rockies (29-17)  New York Yankees (26-16)  Washington Nationals (26-17)  Los Angeles Dodgers (26-19), +1  Arizona Diamondbacks (27-19), +3  Baltimore Orioles (25-18), -2  St. Louis Cardinals (22-19)  Milwaukee Brewers (25-19), +1  Cleveland Indians (23-20), -3  Minnesota Twins (23-18), +3  Chicago Cubs (22-21), -1  Texas Rangers (24-21), -1  Boston Red Sox (22-21), -1  Los Angeles Angels (24-23) … Continue reading May 23rd MLB Power Rankings & Trends

May 22nd MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (29-15)  Colorado Rockies (28-17), +1  New York Yankees (25-16), +1  Washington Nationals (26-17), +1  Baltimore Orioles (25-17), -3  Los Angeles Dodgers (26-19), +1  Cleveland Indians (23-19), +2  St. Louis Cardinals (22-19), +2  Arizona Diamondbacks (26-19), -3  Milwaukee Brewers (25-19), -2  Chicago Cubs (22-20), +1  Texas Rangers (24-21), +1  Boston Red Sox (22-21), +3  Minnesota Twins (22-18), -3 … Continue reading May 22nd MLB Power Rankings & Trends

May 21st MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (29-14)  Baltimore Orioles (25-16), +3  Colorado Rockies (27-17), -1  New York Yankees (24-16), -1  Washington Nationals (25-17), -1  Arizona Diamondbacks (26-18), +1  Los Angeles Dodgers (25-19), -1  Milwaukee Brewers (25-18)  Cleveland Indians (22-19)  St. Louis Cardinals (21-19)  Minnesota Twins (21-17), +1  Chicago Cubs (21-20), +1  Texas Rangers (23-21), -2  Tampa Bay Rays (23-22), +1  Detroit Tigers (21-20), … Continue reading May 21st MLB Power Rankings & Trends

May 20th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (29-13)  Colorado Rockies (27-16), +2  New York Yankees (24-15), -1  Washington Nationals (25-16), -1  Baltimore Orioles (24-16)  Los Angeles Dodgers (25-18)  Arizona Diamondbacks (25-18), +1  Milwaukee Brewers (25-18), +1  Cleveland Indians (21-19), +2  St. Louis Cardinals (21-18), -3  Texas Rangers (23-20), +2  Minnesota Twins (21-17), +3  Chicago Cubs (21-20), -3  Boston Red Sox (21-20), -2  Tampa Bay … Continue reading May 20th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

May 19th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (29-12)  New York Yankees (24-14)  Washington Nationals (25-15)  Colorado Rockies (26-16)  Baltimore Orioles (23-16)  Los Angeles Dodgers (24-18), +1  St. Louis Cardinals (21-17), +1  Arizona Diamondbacks (24-18), +1  Milwaukee Brewers (24-18), +1  Chicago Cubs (21-19), +1  Cleveland Indians (20-19), +1  Boston Red Sox (21-19), -6  Texas Rangers (22-20), +1  Detroit Tigers (20-19), +2  Minnesota Twins (20-17), -2 … Continue reading May 19th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

May 18th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (29-12)  New York Yankees (24-13), +1  Washington Nationals (25-14), -1  Colorado Rockies (25-15)  Baltimore Orioles (23-15)  Boston Red Sox (21-18), +1  Los Angeles Dodgers (23-18), +2  St. Louis Cardinals (21-17), -2  Arizona Diamondbacks (24-18), +1  Milwaukee Brewers (23-18), +1  Chicago Cubs (20-19), +1  Cleveland Indians (20-19), -4  Minnesota Twins (19-16)  Texas Rangers (21-20)  Los Angeles Angels (22-21) … Continue reading May 18th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

May 17th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (28-12)  Washington Nationals (25-13)  New York Yankees (23-13)  Colorado Rockies (25-15), +1  Baltimore Orioles (23-14), +1  St. Louis Cardinals (21-16), -2  Boston Red Sox (20-18), +3  Cleveland Indians (20-18), -1  Los Angeles Dodgers (22-18), -1  Arizona Diamondbacks (23-18), +1  Milwaukee Brewers (22-18), +1  Chicago Cubs (19-19), +1  Minnesota Twins (19-16), -4  Texas Rangers (20-20)  Los Angeles Angels … Continue reading May 17th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

May 16th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (27-12)  Washington Nationals (24-13)  New York Yankees (22-13)  St. Louis Cardinals (21-15)  Colorado Rockies (24-15)  Baltimore Orioles (22-14)  Cleveland Indians (20-17), +1  Los Angeles Dodgers (22-17), -1  Minnesota Twins (19-15)  Boston Red Sox (19-18)  Arizona Diamondbacks (22-18), +2  Milwaukee Brewers (21-18), -1  Chicago Cubs (18-19), -1  Texas Rangers (19-20)  Detroit Tigers (18-18)  Cincinnati Reds (19-18)  Los Angeles … Continue reading May 16th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

May 15th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (26-12)  Washington Nationals (24-13)  New York Yankees (22-13)  St. Louis Cardinals (21-15), +2  Colorado Rockies (24-15), +2  Baltimore Orioles (22-14), -2  Los Angeles Dodgers (22-16), -2  Cleveland Indians (19-17), +3  Minnesota Twins (19-15), -1  Boston Red Sox (19-18), -1  Milwaukee Brewers (21-17), +2  Chicago Cubs (18-19), -2  Arizona Diamondbacks (21-18), -1  Texas Rangers (19-20), +2  Detroit Tigers … Continue reading May 15th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

May 14th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (25-11)  Washington Nationals (23-12)  New York Yankees (21-12)  Baltimore Orioles (22-13)  Los Angeles Dodgers (22-15), +1  St. Louis Cardinals (20-15), +1  Colorado Rockies (23-15), -2  Minnesota Twins (19-14), +2  Boston Red Sox (19-17), +3  Chicago Cubs (18-18), -2  Cleveland Indians (18-17), -2  Arizona Diamondbacks (21-17), -1  Milwaukee Brewers (20-17)  Detroit Tigers (18-17), +1  Cincinnati Reds (19-17), -1 … Continue reading May 14th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

May 13th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (25-11)  Washington Nationals (22-12)  New York Yankees (21-12)  Baltimore Orioles (22-12)  Colorado Rockies (23-14)  Los Angeles Dodgers (21-15), +2  St. Louis Cardinals (19-15), -1  Chicago Cubs (18-17), +1  Cleveland Indians (18-16), -2  Minnesota Twins (18-14), +1  Arizona Diamondbacks (21-16), +1  Boston Red Sox (18-17), -2  Milwaukee Brewers (19-17), +4  Cincinnati Reds (19-16), -1  Detroit Tigers (17-17), -1 … Continue reading May 13th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

May 12th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (24-11)  Washington Nationals (22-12), +1  New York Yankees (21-11), -1  Baltimore Orioles (22-11)  Colorado Rockies (23-13)  St. Louis Cardinals (19-14), +1  Cleveland Indians (18-15), +1  Los Angeles Dodgers (20-15), -2  Chicago Cubs (17-17)  Boston Red Sox (18-16)  Minnesota Twins (17-14), +2  Arizona Diamondbacks (20-16), +2  Cincinnati Reds (19-15), +2  Detroit Tigers (17-16), +2  New York Mets (16-17), … Continue reading May 12th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

May 11th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (23-11)  New York Yankees (21-10)  Washington Nationals (22-12), +1  Baltimore Orioles (22-11), -1  Colorado Rockies (22-13)  Los Angeles Dodgers (20-14)  St. Louis Cardinals (19-14)  Cleveland Indians (18-15)  Chicago Cubs (17-17)  Boston Red Sox (17-16)  Seattle Mariners (17-17), +2  Milwaukee Brewers (18-16), +3  Minnesota Twins (16-14), +3  Arizona Diamondbacks (19-16), +3  Cincinnati Reds (18-15), -3  Detroit Tigers (16-16), … Continue reading May 11th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

May 10th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (22-11), +1  New York Yankees (21-10), -1  Baltimore Orioles (22-10)  Washington Nationals (21-12)  Colorado Rockies (21-13)  Los Angeles Dodgers (19-14)  St. Louis Cardinals (18-14)  Cleveland Indians (18-14), +1  Chicago Cubs (17-16), +1  Boston Red Sox (17-15), -2  Detroit Tigers (16-15), +3  Cincinnati Reds (18-15)  Seattle Mariners (16-17)  New York Mets (16-16), +1  Milwaukee Brewers (17-16), +1  Minnesota … Continue reading May 10th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

May 9th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: Pinterest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  New York Yankees (21-9)  Houston Astros (21-11), +1  Baltimore Orioles (21-10), +1  Washington Nationals (21-11), -2  Colorado Rockies (20-12)  Los Angeles Dodgers (18-14)  St. Louis Cardinals (17-14), +1  Boston Red Sox (17-14), +1  Cleveland Indians (17-14), -2  Chicago Cubs (16-15)  Arizona Diamondbacks (18-15), +1  Cincinnati Reds (17-15), -1  Seattle Mariners (15-17)  Detroit Tigers (15-15)  New York Mets (15-16)  Milwaukee Brewers … Continue reading May 9th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Ryan Zimmerman is absolutely obliterating the MLB

Photo Credit: Federal Baseball Up until five years ago, no MLB player had won the Batting Triple Crown since Carl Yastrzemski in 1967. It was in the year 2012 when Miguel Cabrera put an end to the 45-year Triple Crown drought by leading the American League in batting average (.330), home runs (44), and runs batted in (139). But looking more closely at the Triple Crown trend, one … Continue reading Ryan Zimmerman is absolutely obliterating the MLB

Don’t look now, but the Yankees are back

Photo Credit: FiveThirtyEight Seven consecutive seasons without a championship win isn’t many in a 30-team league. But in the Bronx, greatness is expected. Championships are expected to be won. Since winning their MLB-record 27th World Series in 2009, over twice as many as the next best team, the New York Yankees have underachieved and fallen short of that expected greatness. Now, eight years later, that greatness … Continue reading Don’t look now, but the Yankees are back

May 8th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: Pinterest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  New York Yankees (20-9), +1  Washington Nationals (21-10), -1  Houston Astros (21-11)  Baltimore Orioles (20-10)  Colorado Rockies (20-12)  Los Angeles Dodgers (17-14)  Cleveland Indians (17-13)  St. Louis Cardinals (16-14)  Boston Red Sox (17-14)  Chicago Cubs (16-15)  Cincinnati Reds (17-14), +2  Arizona Diamondbacks (18-15), -1  Seattle Mariners (15-17), +7  Detroit Tigers (15-15), -2  New York Mets (14-16), -1  Milwaukee Brewers … Continue reading May 8th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

May 7th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: fullhdpictures.com (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Washington Nationals (21-9)  New York Yankees (19-9), +1  Houston Astros (20-11), -1  Baltimore Orioles (19-10)  Colorado Rockies (19-12)  Los Angeles Dodgers (17-14), +2  Cleveland Indians (16-13), +2  St. Louis Cardinals (15-14), +2  Boston Red Sox (16-14), +2  Chicago Cubs (16-14), -4  Arizona Diamondbacks (18-14), -4  Detroit Tigers (15-14)  Cincinnati Reds (16-14), +2  New York Mets (14-15), +2  Tampa Bay … Continue reading May 7th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

May 6th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: fullhdpictures.com (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Washington Nationals (20-9)  Houston Astros (20-10)  New York Yankees (18-9)  Baltimore Orioles (18-10), +1  Colorado Rockies (18-12), -1  Chicago Cubs (16-13)  Arizona Diamondbacks (18-13), +3  Los Angeles Dodgers (16-14), +1  Cleveland Indians (15-13), -2  St. Louis Cardinals (14-14), +1  Boston Red Sox (15-14), -3  Detroit Tigers (15-13)  Minnesota Twins (15-12), +3  Chicago White Sox (15-13), -1  Cincinnati Reds (15-14), … Continue reading May 6th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

May 5th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: fullhdpictures.com (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Washington Nationals (19-9), +1  Houston Astros (19-10), -1  New York Yankees (17-9)  Colorado Rockies (18-11)  Baltimore Orioles (17-10)  Chicago Cubs (16-12), +1  Cleveland Indians (15-12), +1  Boston Red Sox (15-13), -2  Los Angeles Dodgers (15-14), +1  Arizona Diamondbacks (17-13), -1  St. Louis Cardinals (13-14)  Detroit Tigers (14-13)  Chicago White Sox (15-12), +1  Tampa Bay Rays (15-15), +3  Milwaukee Brewers … Continue reading May 5th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

May 4th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (19-9)  Washington Nationals (18-9)  New York Yankees (17-9)  Colorado Rockies (17-11), +2  Baltimore Orioles (16-10), -1  Boston Red Sox (15-12), +1  Chicago Cubs (15-12), +1  Cleveland Indians (15-12), +1  Arizona Diamondbacks (17-12), -4  Los Angeles Dodgers (15-14)  St. Louis Cardinals (13-13)  Detroit Tigers (14-13)  Minnesota Twins (14-11), +3  Chicago White Sox (14-12), -1  Los Angeles Angels (15-14), … Continue reading May 4th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

May 3rd MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (18-9), +1  Washington Nationals (17-9), -1  New York Yankees (16-9), +2  Baltimore Orioles (16-9), -1  Arizona Diamondbacks (17-11), +2  Colorado Rockies (16-11), -2  Boston Red Sox (14-12), +1  Chicago Cubs (14-12), +1  Cleveland Indians (14-12), -3  Los Angeles Dodgers (15-13)  St. Louis Cardinals (13-13)  Detroit Tigers (14-12)  Chicago White Sox (14-11)  Los Angeles Angels (15-13)  Tampa Bay Rays … Continue reading May 3rd MLB Power Rankings & Trends

May 2nd MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: fullhdpictures.com (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Washington Nationals (17-8)  Houston Astros (17-9)  Baltimore Orioles (16-8), +1  Colorado Rockies (16-10), +2  New York Yankees (15-9)  Cleveland Indians (14-11), -3  Arizona Diamondbacks (16-11), +3  Boston Red Sox (13-12), -1  Chicago Cubs (13-12), -1  Los Angeles Dodgers (14-13), -1  St. Louis Cardinals (12-13)  Detroit Tigers (13-12), +3  Chicago White Sox (13-11), -1  Los Angeles Angels (14-13), -1  Milwaukee … Continue reading May 2nd MLB Power Rankings & Trends

May 1st MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: fullhdpictures.com (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Washington Nationals (17-8)  Houston Astros (16-9), +1  Cleveland Indians (14-10), +3  Baltimore Orioles (15-8), +3  New York Yankees (15-8), -3  Colorado Rockies (16-10), -2  Boston Red Sox (13-11), +2  Chicago Cubs (13-11), -3  Los Angeles Dodgers (14-12), +2  Arizona Diamondbacks (16-11), +2  St. Louis Cardinals (12-12), -3  Chicago White Sox (13-10), -2  Los Angeles Angels (14-13), +2  Miami Marlins … Continue reading May 1st MLB Power Rankings & Trends

April 30th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: fullhdpictures.com (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Washington Nationals (16-8)  New York Yankees (15-7), +1  Houston Astros (15-9), -1  Colorado Rockies (16-9), +1  Chicago Cubs (13-10), +2  Cleveland Indians (13-10), +2  Baltimore Orioles (14-8), -3  St. Louis Cardinals (12-11), +2  Boston Red Sox (12-11), -3  Chicago White Sox (13-9), +1  Los Angeles Dodgers (13-12), +1  Arizona Diamondbacks (15-11), -3  Pittsburgh Pirates (11-12), +4  Texas Rangers (11-13), … Continue reading April 30th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

April 29th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: fullhdpictures.com (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Washington Nationals (16-7)  Houston Astros (15-8), +3  New York Yankees (14-7), +3  Baltimore Orioles (14-7), -2  Colorado Rockies (15-9), +3  Boston Red Sox (12-10), +3  Chicago Cubs (12-10), -4  Cleveland Indians (12-10), -4  Arizona Diamondbacks (15-10), -2  St. Louis Cardinals (12-11)  Chicago White Sox (12-9), +1  Los Angeles Dodgers (12-12), +1  Los Angeles Angels (13-12), +5  Tampa Bay Rays … Continue reading April 29th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

April 28th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: fullhdpictures.com (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Washington Nationals (16-6)  Baltimore Orioles (14-6), +1  Chicago Cubs (12-9), +1  Cleveland Indians (12-9), +3  Houston Astros (14-8), -3  New York Yankees (13-7)  Arizona Diamondbacks (15-9), +2  Colorado Rockies (14-9), -3  Boston Red Sox (11-10), -1  St. Louis Cardinals (11-11), +2  Philadelphia Phillies (11-9), +5  Chicago White Sox (11-9), +1  Los Angeles Dodgers (11-12), +2  Miami Marlins (10-10), -4 … Continue reading April 28th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

April 27th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: fullhdpictures.com (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Washington Nationals (15-6), +1  Houston Astros (14-7), -1  Baltimore Orioles (14-6), +2  Chicago Cubs (12-9), -1  Colorado Rockies (14-8), -1  New York Yankees (12-7), +1  Cleveland Indians (11-9), +2  Boston Red Sox (11-9), -2  Arizona Diamondbacks (14-9), -1  Miami Marlins (10-9)  Detroit Tigers (11-9)  St. Louis Cardinals (9-11), +1  Chicago White Sox (11-9), +1  Texas Rangers (10-12), +3  Los … Continue reading April 27th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

April 26th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (14-6)  Washington Nationals (14-6), +1  Chicago Cubs (12-8), +2  Colorado Rockies (14-7), -2  Baltimore Orioles (13-6), -1  Boston Red Sox (11-8), +1  New York Yankees (11-7), +1  Arizona Diamondbacks (14-8), +1  Cleveland Indians (10-9), -3  Miami Marlins (10-8)  Detroit Tigers (11-8)  Los Angeles Dodgers (10-11), +2  St. Louis Cardinals (9-11), -1  Chicago White Sox (10-9), +1  Tampa … Continue reading April 26th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

April 25th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (13-6), +1  Colorado Rockies (14-6), +1  Washington Nationals (13-6), -2  Baltimore Orioles (13-5)  Chicago Cubs (11-8), +1  Cleveland Indians (10-8), -1  Boston Red Sox (11-8)  New York Yankees (11-7)  Arizona Diamondbacks (13-8), +2  Miami Marlins (10-8), -1  Detroit Tigers (10-8), -1  St. Louis Cardinals (9-10), +1  Oakland Athletics (10-9), +1  Los Angeles Dodgers (9-11), -2  Chicago White … Continue reading April 25th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

April 24th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: fullhdpictures.com (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Washington Nationals (13-5)  Houston Astros (13-6), +1  Colorado Rockies (13-6), +1  Baltimore Orioles (12-5), -2  Cleveland Indians (10-8)  Chicago Cubs (10-8)  Boston Red Sox (11-8), +2  New York Yankees (11-7), -1  Miami Marlins (10-8), +2  Detroit Tigers (10-8), +3  Arizona Diamondbacks (12-8), -3  Los Angeles Dodgers (9-10), +2  St. Louis Cardinals (9-10), +2  Oakland Athletics (10-9), -4  Texas Rangers … Continue reading April 24th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

April 23rd MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: fullhdpictures.com (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Washington Nationals (12-5)  Baltimore Orioles (12-4), +1  Houston Astros (12-6), -1  Colorado Rockies (12-6)  Cleveland Indians (10-7)  Chicago Cubs (10-7)  New York Yankees (11-6)  Arizona Diamondbacks (12-7), +1  Boston Red Sox (10-8), -1  Oakland Athletics (10-8), +1  Miami Marlins (9-8), +1  Tampa Bay Rays (10-9), +1  Detroit Tigers (9-8), +1  Los Angeles Dodgers (8-10), -4  St. Louis Cardinals (8-10), … Continue reading April 23rd MLB Power Rankings & Trends

April 22nd MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: fullhdpictures.com (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Washington Nationals (11-5)  Houston Astros (12-5)  Baltimore Orioles (11-4)  Colorado Rockies (11-6), +2  Cleveland Indians (9-7), +2  Chicago Cubs (9-7), +2  New York Yankees (10-6), -3  Boston Red Sox (10-7), -3  Arizona Diamondbacks (11-7), +1  Los Angeles Dodgers (8-9), -1  Oakland Athletics (9-8), +6  Miami Marlins (8-8), -1  Tampa Bay Rays (9-9), -1  Detroit Tigers (8-8), -1  New York … Continue reading April 22nd MLB Power Rankings & Trends

April 21st MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: fullhdpictures.com (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Washington Nationals (10-5)  Houston Astros (11-5)  Baltimore Orioles (10-4)  New York Yankees (10-5)  Boston Red Sox (10-6)  Colorado Rockies (10-6)  Cleveland Indians (8-7), +1  Chicago Cubs (8-7), +1  Los Angeles Dodgers (8-8), +4  Arizona Diamondbacks (10-7), -3  Miami Marlins (8-7)  Tampa Bay Rays (9-8), +3  Detroit Tigers (8-7), -3  New York Mets (8-8), -2  Milwaukee Brewers (9-8), +8  Chicago … Continue reading April 21st MLB Power Rankings & Trends

April 20th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: fullhdpictures.com (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Washington Nationals (9-5), +1  Houston Astros (10-5), +1  Baltimore Orioles (9-4), +3  New York Yankees (10-5), +3  Boston Red Sox (9-6), -4  Colorado Rockies (10-6), -2  Arizona Diamondbacks (10-6), -2  Cleveland Indians (7-7), +1  Chicago Cubs (8-7), +1  Detroit Tigers (8-6), -2  Miami Marlins (8-7)  New York Mets (8-7), +2  Los Angeles Dodgers (8-8)  Cincinnati Reds (9-6), -2  Tampa … Continue reading April 20th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

April 19th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: Wallpaper Cave (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Boston Red Sox (9-5), +2  Washington Nationals (8-5), +2  Houston Astros (9-5), -2  Colorado Rockies (10-5), +3  Arizona Diamondbacks (10-5), +3  Baltimore Orioles (8-4), -4  New York Yankees (9-5), -2  Detroit Tigers (8-5), -2  Cleveland Indians (7-7)  Chicago Cubs (7-7)  Miami Marlins (8-6), +1  Cincinnati Reds (9-5), +2  Los Angeles Dodgers (7-8), -2  New York Mets (7-7), … Continue reading April 19th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

April 18th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (9-4)  Baltimore Orioles (8-3)  Boston Red Sox (8-5)  Washington Nationals (7-5)  New York Yankees (9-4)  Detroit Tigers (8-4)  Colorado Rockies (9-5), +2  Arizona Diamondbacks (9-5), +4  Cleveland Indians (6-7), +4  Chicago Cubs (6-7), -3  Los Angeles Dodgers (7-7), -3  Miami Marlins (7-6), -2  New York Mets (7-6), -2  Cincinnati Reds (8-5)  Kansas City Royals (6-6), +1  Pittsburgh … Continue reading April 18th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

April 17th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (8-4)  Baltimore Orioles (8-3)  Boston Red Sox (7-5), +2  Washington Nationals (7-5), +2  New York Yankees (8-4), +2  Detroit Tigers (8-4), +2  Chicago Cubs (6-6), -4  Los Angeles Dodgers (7-6), -4  Colorado Rockies (9-5)  Miami Marlins (7-5)  New York Mets (7-6)  Arizona Diamondbacks (8-5), +3  Cleveland Indians (5-7), -1  Cincinnati Reds (8-5), -1  Pittsburgh Pirates (6-6), +1 … Continue reading April 17th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

April 16th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: ClipartFest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Houston Astros (8-4), +4  Baltimore Orioles (7-3), -1  Chicago Cubs (6-5), -1  Los Angeles Dodgers (7-5), +3  Boston Red Sox (6-5), +3  Washington Nationals (6-5), -2  New York Yankees (7-4), +2  Detroit Tigers (7-4), -5  Colorado Rockies (8-5), +2  Miami Marlins (6-5), +4  New York Mets (7-5), -5  Cleveland Indians (5-6)  Cincinnati Reds (8-4), +2  Minnesota Twins (7-4), +3 … Continue reading April 16th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

April 15th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: Pinterest (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Baltimore Orioles (7-2), +1  Chicago Cubs (6-4), -1  Detroit Tigers (7-3), +1  Washington Nationals (6-4), +2  Houston Astros (7-4), +3  New York Mets (7-4), -3  Los Angeles Dodgers (6-5), +4  Boston Red Sox (5-5), -1  New York Yankees (6-4), +5  Arizona Diamondbacks (7-4), -5  Colorado Rockies (7-5), -2  Cleveland Indians (4-6)  Tampa Bay Rays (6-5), +2  Miami Marlins (5-5), … Continue reading April 15th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

April 14th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: Wallpaper Cave (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Chicago Cubs (6-3)  Baltimore Orioles (6-2), +1  New York Mets (7-3), +2  Detroit Tigers (6-3), -2  Arizona Diamondbacks (7-3), +2  Washington Nationals (5-4), +3  Boston Red Sox (5-4), +3  Houston Astros (6-4), +3  Colorado Rockies (7-4), +3  Cincinnati Reds (7-3), -6  Los Angeles Dodgers (5-5), -5  Cleveland Indians (4-5), -4  Minnesota Twins (6-3), +3  New York Yankees (5-4) … Continue reading April 14th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

April 13th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: Wallpaper Cave (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Chicago Cubs (5-3)  Detroit Tigers (6-2), +3  Baltimore Orioles (5-2), +4  Cincinnati Reds (7-2), +6  New York Mets (6-3), +6  Los Angeles Dodgers (5-4), +7  Arizona Diamondbacks (7-3), -5  Cleveland Indians (4-4), -5  Washington Nationals (5-4), -5  Boston Red Sox (4-4), -4  Houston Astros (6-4), +3  Colorado Rockies (6-4), -3  Los Angeles Angels (6-3), -5  New York Yankees (4-4), … Continue reading April 13th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

April 12th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: Wallpaper Cave (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Chicago Cubs (5-2)  Arizona Diamondbacks (7-2), +2  Cleveland Indians (4-3), +2  Washington Nationals (5-3), +2  Detroit Tigers (5-2), +2  Boston Red Sox (4-3), +2  Baltimore Orioles (4-2), -5  Los Angeles Angels (6-2), +1  Colorado Rockies (6-3), +1  Cincinnati Reds (6-2), +3  New York Mets (5-3), +3  Minnesota Twins (5-2), -9  Los Angeles Dodgers (4-4), -2  Houston Astros (5-4), … Continue reading April 12th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

April 11th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: Wallpaper Cave (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Chicago Cubs (5-2), +1  Baltimore Orioles (4-1), +3  Minnesota Twins (5-1), +3  Arizona Diamondbacks (6-2), -3  Cleveland Indians (3-3), +5  Washington Nationals (4-3), +5  Detroit Tigers (4-2), +7  Boston Red Sox (3-3), -5  Los Angeles Angels (5-2), -1  Colorado Rockies (5-3), -6  Los Angeles Dodgers (4-4), -2  Tampa Bay Rays (5-3), -5  Cincinnati Reds (5-2), +2  New York … Continue reading April 11th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

April 10th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: Arizona Diamondbacks (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Arizona Diamondbacks (6-1), +12  Chicago Cubs (4-2), -1  Boston Red Sox (3-2)  Colorado Rockies (5-2), +3  Baltimore Orioles (4-1)  Minnesota Twins (5-1), +13  Tampa Bay Rays (5-2), +4  Los Angeles Angels (5-2), +14  Los Angeles Dodgers (4-3), -1  Cleveland Indians (3-3), -8  Washington Nationals (3-3), -7  Houston Astros (4-3), -2  Pittsburgh Pirates (3-2), +7  Detroit Tigers (3-2), -8 … Continue reading April 10th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

April 9th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: Wallpaper Cave (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Chicago Cubs (3-2), +3  Cleveland Indians (3-2), -1  Boston Red Sox (2-2), -1  Washington Nationals (3-2), -1  Baltimore Orioles (4-0), +2  Detroit Tigers (3-1), +3  Colorado Rockies (5-1), +3  Los Angeles Dodgers (3-3), -3  St. Louis Cardinals (2-3), +2  Houston Astros (3-3), -4  Tampa Bay Rays (4-2), +5  Miami Marlins (3-2), +5  Arizona Diamondbacks (5-1), +6  New York … Continue reading April 9th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

April 8th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: Wallpaper Cave (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Cleveland Indians (3-1)  Boston Red Sox (2-1)  Washington Nationals (3-1), +1  Chicago Cubs (2-2), -1  Los Angeles Dodgers (3-2), +1  Houston Astros (3-2), -1  Baltimore Orioles (3-0), +2  New York Mets (2-2), -1  Detroit Tigers (2-1), +4  Colorado Rockies (4-1), +5  St. Louis Cardinals (1-3), -3  Texas Rangers (1-3), +2  Toronto Blue Jays (1-3), -3  Seattle Mariners (1-4), … Continue reading April 8th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

April 7th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: Wallpaper Cave (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Cleveland Indians (3-0)  Boston Red Sox (2-0)  Chicago Cubs (2-1)  Washington Nationals (2-1)  Houston Astros (3-1)  Los Angeles Dodgers (3-1)  New York Mets (2-1), +1  St. Louis Cardinals (1-2), -1  Baltimore Orioles (2-0)  Toronto Blue Jays (1-2), +2  Seattle Mariners (1-3), +2  San Francisco Giants (1-3), -1  Detroit Tigers (1-1), -3  Texas Rangers (0-3)  Colorado Rockies (3-1)  Tampa … Continue reading April 7th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

April 6th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: Wallpaper Cave (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Cleveland Indians (3-0)  Boston Red Sox (2-0)  Chicago Cubs (1-1)  Washington Nationals (2-0)  Houston Astros (3-0)  Los Angeles Dodgers (2-1)  St. Louis Cardinals (1-1)  New York Mets (1-1), +1  Baltimore Orioles (2-0), +5  Detroit Tigers (1-0), +3  San Francisco Giants (1-2), -3  Toronto Blue Jays (0-2), -2  Seattle Mariners (0-3), -2  Texas Rangers (0-3), -2  Colorado Rockies (2-1) … Continue reading April 6th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

April 5th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: Wallpaper Cave (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Cleveland Indians (2-0)  Boston Red Sox (1-0)  Chicago Cubs (1-1)  Washington Nationals (1-0)  Houston Astros (2-0), +2  Los Angeles Dodgers (1-1), -1  St. Louis Cardinals (1-1), -1  San Francisco Giants (1-1)  New York Mets (1-0)  Toronto Blue Jays (0-1)  Seattle Mariners (0-2)  Texas Rangers (0-2)  Detroit Tigers (1-0)  Baltimore Orioles (1-0)  Colorado Rockies (2-0)  Pittsburgh Pirates (0-1)  New … Continue reading April 5th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

April 4th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: Wallpaper Cave (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Cleveland Indians (1-0)  Boston Red Sox (1-0)  Chicago Cubs (0-1)  Washington Nationals (1-0)  Los Angeles Dodgers (1-0)  St. Louis Cardinals (1-0)  Houston Astros (1-0)  San Francisco Giants (0-1), +1  New York Mets (1-0), +1  Toronto Blue Jays (0-1), -2  Seattle Mariners (0-1)  Texas Rangers (0-1)  Detroit Tigers (0-0)  Baltimore Orioles (1-0), +1  Colorado Rockies (1-0), +2  Pittsburgh Pirates … Continue reading April 4th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

April 3rd MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: Wallpaper Cave (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Cleveland Indians (0-0), +1  Boston Red Sox (0-0), +1  Chicago Cubs (0-1), -2  Washington Nationals (0-0)  Los Angeles Dodgers (0-0)  St. Louis Cardinals (1-0), +3  Houston Astros (0-0), -1  Toronto Blue Jays (0-0)  San Francisco Giants (0-1), -2  New York Mets (0-0)  Seattle Mariners (0-0)  Texas Rangers (0-0)  Detroit Tigers (0-0)  Pittsburgh Pirates (0-0), +1  Baltimore Orioles (0-0), … Continue reading April 3rd MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Final 2017 Preseason MLB Playoff Predictions

Photo Credit: Boston’s Bag of Donuts (featured image), ESPN (team logos) 2017 MLB Playoff Predictions   NATIONAL LEAGUE  Chicago Cubs, NL Central Champion  Washington Nationals, NL East Champion  Los Angeles Dodgers, NL West Champion  St. Louis Cardinals, NL Central (Wild Card #1)  San Francisco Giants, NL West (Wild Card #2)   National League Wild Card Game  #5 San Francisco Giants @  #4 St. Louis Cardinals (best of 1 series, Cardinals win … Continue reading Final 2017 Preseason MLB Playoff Predictions

Final 2017 Preseason MLB Power Rankings

Photo Credit: Wallpaper Cave (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Chicago Cubs  Cleveland Indians  Boston Red Sox   Washington Nationals  Los Angeles Dodgers  Houston Astros   San Francisco Giants  Toronto Blue Jays  St. Louis Cardinals   New York Mets   Seattle Mariners  Texas Rangers  Detroit Tigers   New York Yankees  Pittsburgh Pirates  Baltimore Orioles  Colorado Rockies   Kansas City Royals  Miami Marlins  Tampa Bay Rays  Los Angeles Angels  Arizona Diamondbacks  Atlanta Braves   Philadelphia … Continue reading Final 2017 Preseason MLB Power Rankings

Nationals, Wieters Reach Contract Agreement

Photo Credit: CBS Sports The Washington Nationals and catcher Matt Wieters have reached a 2-year, $21 million contract agreement. Wieters, 30, has been in the MLB for 8 seasons, all with the Baltimore Orioles. This past season, he played in 124 games and bat .243 with 103 hits, 48 runs scored, 17 home runs, 66 runs batted in, and 1 stolen base. Over his 8-year MLB career, Wieters has played in … Continue reading Nationals, Wieters Reach Contract Agreement

Reds Trade Phillips to Braves for McKirahan, Portuondo

Photo Credit: The Huffington Post The Cincinnati Reds have traded second baseman Brandon Phillips to the Atlanta Braves for pitchers Andrew McKirahan and Carlos Portuondo. Phillips, 35, has been in the MLB for 15 seasons; 11 with the Reds and 4 with the Cleveland Indians. This past season, he played in 141 games and bat .291 with 160 hits, 74 runs scored, 11 home runs, 64 runs batted in, and … Continue reading Reds Trade Phillips to Braves for McKirahan, Portuondo

Should the White Sox Sign Matt Wieters?

Photo Credit: Mets360 Former Baltimore Orioles’ catcher Matt Wieters is still job-hunting as of today. The switch-hitting catcher has made great contributions to the Orioles over the last few years, and like many other power hitters, expects more money this offseason. In his 8 seasons with the Baltimore organization, he posted a .739 OPS, a .256 batting average, and 117 home runs. While he has … Continue reading Should the White Sox Sign Matt Wieters?

Yankees Sign Slugger Chris Carter 

Photo Credit: MLB Former Milwaukee Brewers’ first baseman Chris Carter was considering moving to Japan to play baseball last month, but today he was finally signed by the New York Yankees. Carter is 30 years old and has been said to be extremely one-dimensional. His fielding and base running have certainly declined over the years, however his bat is as good as gold. In 2016, Carter lead … Continue reading Yankees Sign Slugger Chris Carter 

Top Prospects in the White Sox Farm System

Photo Credit: Southside Showdown As we inch closer to Spring Training, the Chicago White Sox are in the midst of a full-scale rebuild. While casual fans do not spend much time following the minor league affiliates of their favorite team, the success of this year’s White Sox will be measured on the progress made in the farm system. With that being said, here is a … Continue reading Top Prospects in the White Sox Farm System

What Should Define an MVP?

Photo Credit: Golden Gate Sports One of the most debated topics in sports, particularly football, baseball, and basketball, each season is what should define the Most Valuable Player (MVP) of the MLB, the NBA, or the NFL. People have different interpretations of what the MVP award means and who it should go to based on that judgment. This article is meant to provide readers with what is the … Continue reading What Should Define an MVP?

Early 2017 MLB Playoff Predictions

Photo Credit: Boston’s Bag of Donuts (featured image), ESPN (team logos) 2017 MLB Playoff Predictions   NATIONAL LEAGUE  Chicago Cubs, NL Central Champion  Washington Nationals, NL East Champion  San Francisco Giants, NL West Champion  St. Louis Cardinals, NL Central (Wild Card #1)  Los Angeles Dodgers, NL West (Wild Card #2)   National League Wild Card Game  #5 Los Angeles Dodgers @  #4 St. Louis Cardinals (best of 1 series, … Continue reading Early 2017 MLB Playoff Predictions

Cleveland To Host 2019 MLB All-Star Game

Photo Credit: ESPN Major League Baseball announced today that the city of Cleveland will host the 2019 All-Star game. This adds on to a list of events hosted in the city in an attempt to bring Cleveland back to the top of the American markets. Some of the most recent events include the NBA Finals, the World Series, and the Republican National Convention. The game … Continue reading Cleveland To Host 2019 MLB All-Star Game

Quintana Trade May Have To Wait Until July

Photo Credit: Write Sox The Chicago White Sox made huge changes this winter with the trading of All-Star pitcher Chris Sale and center fielder Adam Eaton. These changes made it apparent that the long-awaited rebuild is coming and many are expecting the White Sox to trade pitcher Jose Quintana as well. Talks between the White Sox and other organizations in baseball are ongoing. Reports have … Continue reading Quintana Trade May Have To Wait Until July

Yordano Ventura Killed in Car Accident

Photo Credit: Royals Kansas City Royals’ starting pitcher Yordano Ventura was killed in a car accident in the Dominican Republic on Sunday morning. Ventura, who was only 25 years of age, started 32 games and had an 11-12 record this past season with the Royals with a 4.45 ERA and a 1.44 WHIP with 144 strikeouts. Over his entire 4-year MLB career, which he spent with the Royals only, … Continue reading Yordano Ventura Killed in Car Accident

Early 2017 MLB Power Rankings

Photo Credit: wallpapercave.com (featured image), ESPN (team logos)  Chicago Cubs  Cleveland Indians  Boston Red Sox   Washington Nationals  Toronto Blue Jays  San Francisco Giants  Los Angeles Dodgers  Houston Astros   St. Louis Cardinals   Texas Rangers  New York Mets   Seattle Mariners  New York Yankees  Pittsburgh Pirates  Baltimore Orioles  Detroit Tigers   Miami Marlins   Colorado Rockies   Kansas City Royals  Tampa Bay Rays  Arizona Diamondbacks  Los Angeles Angels  Atlanta Braves   Philadelphia Phillies … Continue reading Early 2017 MLB Power Rankings

Cavaliers? Check. Cubs? Check. Andretti?

Photo Credit: 99.9 KTDY The year of 2016 was a year in sports where notable “curses” were broken. Most notably, the Cleveland Cavaliers won their first NBA championship in franchise history and brought Cleveland its first major professional sports championship since 1964. Then, the Chicago Cubs won their first World Series title since 1908, ending a 108-year drought. One thing that did not end, however, was … Continue reading Cavaliers? Check. Cubs? Check. Andretti?

Orioles, Trumbo Reach Contract Extension Agreement

Photo Credit: Yahoo Sports The Baltimore Orioles and right fielder Mark Trumbo have agreed to a 3-year, $37 million contract extension agreement. Trumbo, 31, has been in the MLB for 7 seasons and has played for 4 different teams. This past season, he played in 159 games and bat .256 with 157 hits, 94 runs scored, 47 home runs, 108 runs batted in, and 2 stolen bases. Over his 7-year MLB … Continue reading Orioles, Trumbo Reach Contract Extension Agreement

Angels, Calhoun Reach Contract Extension Agreement

Photo Credit: The Dugout Perspective The Los Angeles Angels and right fielder Kole Calhoun have agreed to a 3-year, $26 million contract extension agreement. Calhoun, 29, has been in the MLB for 5 seasons, all with the Angels. This past season, he played in 157 games and bat .271 with 161 hits, 91 runs scored, 18 home runs, 75 runs batted in, and 2 stolen bases. Over his 5-year MLB career, Calhoun has played … Continue reading Angels, Calhoun Reach Contract Extension Agreement

Blue Jays, Bautista Reach Contract Extension Agreement

Photo Credit: 300lbsofsportsknowledge.com The Toronto Blue Jays and right fielder Jose Bautista have agreed to a 1-year, $18 million contract extension agreement. Bautista, 36, has been in the MLB for 13 seasons and has played for 5 different teams. This past season, he played in 116 games and bat .234 with 99 hits, 68 runs scored, 22 home runs, 69 runs batted in, and 2 stolen bases. Over his 13-year MLB career, Bautista has played … Continue reading Blue Jays, Bautista Reach Contract Extension Agreement

Padres, Myers Reach Contract Extension Agreement

Photo Credit: CaliSports News The San Diego Padres and first baseman Wil Myers have agreed to a 6-year, $83 million contract extension agreement. Myers, 26, has been in the MLB for 4 seasons and has played for 2 different teams. This past season, he played in 157 games and bat .259 with 155 hits, 99 runs scored, 28 home runs, 94 runs batted in, and 28 stolen bases. Over his 4-year MLB career, Myers has … Continue reading Padres, Myers Reach Contract Extension Agreement

Phillies, Saunders Reach Contract Agreement

Photo Credit: ESPN The Philadelphia Phillies and left fielder Michael Saunders have agreed to a 1-year, $9 million contract agreement. Saunders, 30, has been in the MLB for 8 seasons and has played for 2 different teams. This past season, he played in 140 games and bat .253 with 124 hits, 70 runs scored, 24 home runs, 57 runs batted in, and 1 stolen base. Over his 8-year MLB career, Saunders has played in 702 games and … Continue reading Phillies, Saunders Reach Contract Agreement

Royals, Duffy Reach Contract Extension Agreement

Photo Credit: KSHB The Kansas City Royals and starting pitcher Danny Duffy have reached a 5-year, $65 million contract extension agreement. Duffy, 28, started 26 games and had a 12-3 record this past season with the Royals with a 3.51 ERA and a 1.14 WHIP with 188 strikeouts. Over his entire 6-year MLB career, which he has spent with the Royals only, Duffy has started 106 games and has a 36-33 record with … Continue reading Royals, Duffy Reach Contract Extension Agreement

Nationals, Harper Reach Contract Extension Agreement

Photo Credit: CBS DC – CBS Local The Washington Nationals and right fielder Bryce Harper have agreed to a 1-year, $13.625 million contract extension agreement. Harper, 24, has been in the MLB for 5 seasons, all with the Nationals. This past season, he played in 147 games and bat .243 with 123 hits, 84 runs scored, 24 home runs, 86 runs batted in, and 21 stolen bases. Over his 5-year MLB … Continue reading Nationals, Harper Reach Contract Extension Agreement

2016 SportsPress “SP” Awards Voting Results

Photo Credit: SportsPress These awards were voted on by our writers. Each writer’s vote counted as an amount in accordance to their rank in terms of how many articles they have published on SportsPress. A total of eight writers voted. Each voter voted for three nominees from each category. The lowest ranking voter (8th place) in terms of number of articles written had his 1st place votes … Continue reading 2016 SportsPress “SP” Awards Voting Results

Championship Predictions for Every Sport in 2017

Photo Credit: NBA (featured image), ESPN & CBS Sports (team logos) 2016 was one of the most exciting sports years ever. Who would have guessed that the Villanova Wildcats would win the National Championship the way they did? Who would have guessed that the Denver Broncos would deliver another Super Bowl to Peyton Manning in his last season? No one thought that the Chicago Cubs … Continue reading Championship Predictions for Every Sport in 2017

Indians, Encarnacion Reach Contract Agreement

Photo Credit: Zimbio The Cleveland Indians and designated hitter Edwin Encarnacion have agreed to a 3-year, $60 million contract agreement. Encarnacion, 33, has been in the MLB for 12 seasons and has played for 2 different teams. This past season, he played in 160 games and bat .263 with 158 hits, 99 runs scored, 42 home runs, 127 runs batted in, and 2 stolen bases. Over his 12-year MLB career, Encarnacion has played in 1,513 games … Continue reading Indians, Encarnacion Reach Contract Agreement

Colorado Rockies Reach Contract Agreement with Mike Dunn

Photo Credit: Bleacher Report The Colorado Rockies have reached an agreement with left-handed relief pitcher Mike Dunn. The deal is for 3 years and is worth around $19 million. Dunn will likely replace Boone Logan in their bullpen as a late inning left-handed specialist (Boone Logan has entered free agency, and is not likely to return). The Rockies were known throughout the last few seasons … Continue reading Colorado Rockies Reach Contract Agreement with Mike Dunn

Dodgers, Turner Reach Contract Extension Agreement

Photo Credit: MLB The Los Angeles Dodgers and third baseman Justin Turner have agreed to a 4-year, $64 million contract extension agreement. Turner, 32, has been in the MLB for 8 seasons and has played for 3 different teams. This past season, he played in 151 games and bat .275 with 153 hits, 79 runs scored, 27 home runs, 90 runs batted in, and 4 stolen bases. Over his 8-year MLB career, Turner has played in 704 … Continue reading Dodgers, Turner Reach Contract Extension Agreement

Dodgers, Jansen Reach Contract Extension Agreement

Photo Credit: Bleacher Report The Los Angeles Dodgers and closer Kenley Jansen have agreed to a 5-year, $80 million contract extension. This past season, Jansen, 29, had a 3-2 record with 47 saves in 53 save opportunities with the Dodgers. He had a 1.83 ERA and a 0.67 WHIP with 104 strikeouts. Over his entire 7-year MLB career, which he has spent only with the Dodgers, Jansen has a 19-13 record … Continue reading Dodgers, Jansen Reach Contract Extension Agreement

Cardinals, Fowler Reach Contract Agreement

Photo Credit: Warning Track Power The St. Louis Cardinals and center fielder Dexter Fowler have reached a contract agreement. Fowler, 30, has been in the MLB for 9 seasons and has played for 3 different teams. This past season, he played in 125 games and bat .276 with 126 hits, 84 runs scored, 13 home runs, 48 runs batted in, and 13 stolen bases. Over his 9-year MLB career, Fowler has played in 1,064 games and … Continue reading Cardinals, Fowler Reach Contract Agreement

Yankees, Chapman Reach Contract Agreement

Photo Credit: Federal Baseball The New York Yankees and closer Aroldis Chapman have agreed to a 5-year, $86 million contract. This past season, Chapman, 28, had a 4-1 record with 36 saves in 39 save opportunities with the Yankees and the Chicago Cubs. He had a 1.55 ERA and a 0.86 WHIP with 90 strikeouts. Over his entire 7-year MLB career, which he has spent with the Cincinnati Reds, the Yankees, and … Continue reading Yankees, Chapman Reach Contract Agreement

Rockies, Desmond Reach Contract Agreement

Photo Credit: Call to the Pen The Colorado Rockies and center fielder Ian Desmond have reached a 5-year, $70 million contract agreement. Desmond, 31, has been in the MLB for 8 seasons and has played for 2 different teams. This past season, he played in 156 games and bat .285 with 178 hits, 107 runs scored, 22 home runs, 86 runs batted in, and 21 stolen bases. … Continue reading Rockies, Desmond Reach Contract Agreement

Rangers, Gomez Reach Contract Extension Agreement

Photo Credit: Call to the Pen The Texas Rangers and center fielder Carlos Gomez have reached a 1-year, $11.5 million contract extension agreement. Gomez, 31, has been in the MLB for 10 seasons and has played for 5 different teams. This past season, he played in 118 games and bat .231 with 95 hits, 45 runs scored, 13 home runs, 53 runs batted in, and 18 stolen bases. Over his 10-year MLB career, Gomez has played … Continue reading Rangers, Gomez Reach Contract Extension Agreement

Rays, Ramos Reach Contract Agreement

Photo Credit: Nationals The Tampa Bay Rays and catcher Wilson Ramos have reached a 2-year, $12.5 million contract agreement with incentives to make up to $18.25 million over those two seasons. Ramos, 29, has been in the MLB for 7 seasons and has played for 2 different teams. This past season, he played in 131 games and bat .307 with 148 hits, 58 runs scored, 22 home runs, and 80 runs batted in. Over … Continue reading Rays, Ramos Reach Contract Agreement

White Sox Trade Chris Sale to Red Sox

Photo Credit: USA Today The Boston Red Sox have received Chris Sale from the Chicago White Sox. The deal included Boston giving up prospects, including Yoan Moncada and Michael Kopech, in exchange for the 5-time All-Star. This is a big trade in the baseball universe, as Sale is considered to be one of the best pitchers in the MLB today. He has amazing control and one of … Continue reading White Sox Trade Chris Sale to Red Sox

Dodgers, Hill Reach Contract Extension Agreement

Photo Credit: Los Angeles Times The Los Angeles Dodgers and starting pitcher Rich Hill have reached a 3-year, $48 million contract extension agreement. Hill, 36, started 20 games and had a 12-5 record this season with the Dodgers and the Oakland Athletics with a 2.12 ERA and a 1.00 WHIP with 129 strikeouts. Over his entire 12-year MLB career, which he has spent with the Chicago Cubs, the Baltimore … Continue reading Dodgers, Hill Reach Contract Extension Agreement

Giants, Melancon Reach Contract Agreement

Photo Credit: Federal Baseball The San Francisco Giants and closer Mark Melancon have agreed to a contract pending Melancon’s physical. This past season, Melancon, 31, had a 2-2 record with 47 saves in 51 save opportunities with the Pittsburgh Pirates and the Washington Nationals. He had a 1.64 ERA and a 0.90 WHIP with 65 strikeouts. Over his entire 8-year MLB career, which he has spent with the New York … Continue reading Giants, Melancon Reach Contract Agreement

Yankees, Holliday Reach Contract Agreement

Photo Credit: cheapseatsplease.wordpress.com The New York Yankees and left fielder Matt Holliday have reached a 1-year, $13 million contract agreement. Holliday, 36, has been in the MLB for 13 seasons and has played for 3 different teams. This past season, he played in 110 games and bat .246 with 94 hits, 48 runs scored, 20 home runs, and 62 runs batted in. Over his 13-year MLB career, Holliday has played in 1,773 games and has … Continue reading Yankees, Holliday Reach Contract Agreement

Anthony Rendon Wins NL Comeback Player of the Year Award

Photo Credit: Sports on Earth Washington Nationals’ third baseman Anthony Rendon has won this past season’s National League Comeback Player of the Year award. This past season, Rendon played in 156 games and bat .270 with 153 hits, 91 runs scored, 20 home runs, 85 runs batted in, and 12 stolen bases. In the 2015 season, Rendon played in only 80 games due to an injury and bat .264 with 82 hits, 43 runs scored, 5 home runs, … Continue reading Anthony Rendon Wins NL Comeback Player of the Year Award

Rick Porcello Wins AL Comeback Player of the Year Award

Photo Credit: The Boston Globe Boston Red Sox starting pitcher Rick Porcello has won this past season’s American League Comeback Player of the Year award. Porcello, 27, had a 22-4 record this past season. He posted a 3.15 ERA and a 1.01 WHIP with 189 strikeouts and won this season’s American League Cy Young award as well. In the 2015 season, Porcello had a 9-15 record. He posted a 4.92 … Continue reading Rick Porcello Wins AL Comeback Player of the Year Award

Mets, Cespedes Reach Contract Extension Agreement

Photo Credit: FOX Sports The New York Mets and left fielder Yoenis Cespedes have reached a 4-year, $110 million contract extension agreement. Cespedes, 31, has been in the MLB for 5 seasons and has played for 4 different teams. This past season, he played in 132 games and bat .280 with 134 hits, 72 runs scored, 31 home runs, 86 runs batted in, and 3 stolen bases. Over his 5-year MLB … Continue reading Mets, Cespedes Reach Contract Extension Agreement

MLB in 2017: Who’s the Best at Each Position?

Photo Credit: Panamerican World I know. The 2016 MLB season just ended. It is way too early to be talking about next season given how long it is until another baseball game is played. However, there has been a lot of discussion among the SportsPress writers on the articles which feature the MLB all-time dream team. I don’t plan on writing too many baseball articles … Continue reading MLB in 2017: Who’s the Best at Each Position?

2016 SportsPress “SP” Awards Nominees

Photo Credit: SportsPress These awards will be voted on by our writers. Each writer’s vote counts as an amount in accordance to their rank in terms of the most posts, starting with 1st place having their vote count as the most points, and ending with last place having their vote count as one point. No one will be permitted to vote for themselves or their article(s) in … Continue reading 2016 SportsPress “SP” Awards Nominees

Projected Phillies Opening Day Lineup

Photo Credit: The New York Times The 2017 MLB season doesn’t start for a while. Spring Training starts in February (Which is 4 months away). The period between seasons is known as the offseason, when general managers try to make trades, sign free agents, and release players from a season ago. No other team’s offseason will be as interesting to watch than the Philadelphia Phillies. … Continue reading Projected Phillies Opening Day Lineup

Rangers, Cashner Reach Contract Agreement

Photo Credit: ESPN The Texas Rangers and former Chicago Cubs’, San Diego Padres’, and Miami Marlins’ starting pitcher Andrew Cashner have reached a 1-year, $10 million contract agreement. Cashner, 30, had a 5-11 record this season with the Padres and the Marlins. He had a 5.25 ERA and a 1.53 WHIP with 112 strikeouts. Over his entire 7-year MLB career, Cashner has a 31-53 record. He has … Continue reading Rangers, Cashner Reach Contract Agreement

Astros, Reddick Reach Contract Agreement

Photo Credit: Bleacher Report The Houston Astros and former Boston Red Sox, Oakland Athletics’, and Los Angeles Dodgers’ right fielder Josh Reddick have reached a 4-year, $52 million contract agreement. Reddick, 29, has been in the MLB for 8 seasons and has played for 3 different teams. This past season, he played in 115 games and bat .281 with 112 hits, 53 runs scored, 10 home runs, 37 runs batted in, and … Continue reading Astros, Reddick Reach Contract Agreement

Kris Bryant Wins 2016 NL MVP Award

Photo Credit: MLB Chicago Cubs’ third baseman Kris Bryant has won the 2016 National League Most Valuable Player award. Bryant, 24, was voted the winner of the award over Washington Nationals’ second baseman Daniel Murphy and Los Angeles’ Dodgers shortstop Corey Seager, the other two finalists for the award. Bryant had a .292 batting average, 121 runs scored, 39 home runs, 102 runs batted in, and 8 stolen bases this past season en … Continue reading Kris Bryant Wins 2016 NL MVP Award

Mike Trout Wins 2016 AL MVP Award

Photo Credit: For The Win – USA Today Los Angeles Angels’ center fielder Mike Trout has won the 2016 American League Most Valuable Player award. Trout, 25, was voted the winner of the award over Boston Red Sox right fielder Mookie Betts and Houston Astros’ second baseman Jose Altuve, the other two finalists for the award. Trout had a .315 batting average, 123 runs scored, 29 home runs, 100 runs batted in, and … Continue reading Mike Trout Wins 2016 AL MVP Award

Rick Porcello Wins 2016 AL Cy Young Award

Photo Credit: Bleacher Report Boston Red Sox starting pitcher Rick Porcello has won the 2016 American League Cy Young award. Porcello, 27, was voted the winner of the award over Detroit Tigers’ starting pitcher Justin Verlander and Cleveland Indians’ starting pitcher Corey Kluber, the other two finalists for the award. Porcello had a 22-4 record this past season. He posted a 3.15 ERA and a 1.01 WHIP with 189 strikeouts en route to winning … Continue reading Rick Porcello Wins 2016 AL Cy Young Award

Max Scherzer Wins 2016 NL Cy Young Award

Photo Credit: USA Today Washington Nationals’ starting pitcher Max Scherzer has won the 2016 National League Cy Young award. Scherzer, 32, was voted the winner of the award over Chicago Cubs’ starting pitchers Jon Lester and Kyle Hendricks, the other two finalists for the award. Scherzer had an 20-7 record this past season. He posted a 2.96 ERA and a 0.97 WHIP with 284 strikeouts en route to winning this season’s National League Cy Young award. … Continue reading Max Scherzer Wins 2016 NL Cy Young Award

Dave Roberts Wins 2016 NL Manager of the Year Award

Photo Credit: Orange County Register Los Angeles Dodgers’ manager Dave Roberts has won the 2016 National League Manager of the Year award. Roberts was voted the winner of the award over Chicago Cubs’ manager Joe Maddon and Washington Nationals’ manager Dusty Baker, the other two finalists for the award. Roberts led the Dodgers to a 91-71 record and a berth in the 2016 National League Championship Series against the Chicago … Continue reading Dave Roberts Wins 2016 NL Manager of the Year Award

Terry Francona Wins 2016 AL Manager of the Year Award

Photo Credit: FanSided Cleveland Indians’ manager Terry Francona has won the 2016 American League Manager of the Year award. Francona was voted the winner of the award over Texas Rangers’ manager Jeff Banister and Baltimore Orioles’ manager Buck Showalter, the other two finalists for the award. Francona led the Indians to a 94-67 record and their first American League championship and World Series berth since … Continue reading Terry Francona Wins 2016 AL Manager of the Year Award

Michael Fulmer Wins 2016 AL Rookie of the Year Award

Photo Credit: Sports Radio Detroit Detroit Tigers’ starting pitcher Michael Fulmer has won the 2016 American League Rookie of the Year award. Fulmer, 23, was voted the winner of the award over New York Yankees’ catcher Gary Sanchez and Cleveland Indians’ center fielder Tyler Naquin, the other two finalists for the award. Fulmer had an 11-7 record this past season. He posted a 3.06 ERA and a 1.12 WHIP with … Continue reading Michael Fulmer Wins 2016 AL Rookie of the Year Award

Corey Seager Wins 2016 NL Rookie of the Year Award

Photo Credit: HNGN Los Angeles Dodgers’ shortstop Corey Seager has won the 2016 National League Rookie of the Year award. Seager, 22, was voted the winner of the award over Washington Nationals’ center fielder Trea Turner and Los Angeles’ Dodgers starting pitcher Kenta Maeda, the other two finalists for the award. Seager had a .308 batting average, 105 runs scored, 26 home runs, 72 runs … Continue reading Corey Seager Wins 2016 NL Rookie of the Year Award

Final 2016 MLB Awards Predictions

Photo Credit: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (featured image), ESPN (team logos)   NATIONAL LEAGUE MOST VALUABLE PLAYER  Kris Bryant, Third Baseman, Chicago Cubs Statistics: .292 batting average, 121 runs scored, 39 home runs, 102 runs batted in, 8 stolen bases Analysis: Kris Bryant deserves to be the NL MVP for the amazing statistical season he had and the positive impact he had on the Cubs’ remarkable season. He was not … Continue reading Final 2016 MLB Awards Predictions

MLB Awards Finalists Announced

Photo Credit: CBS Sports (featured image), ESPN (team logos) Yesterday, the three finalists for each of the MLB’s biggest awards were announced. Here are the final three candidates for each award.   NATIONAL LEAGUE MOST VALUABLE PLAYER  Kris Bryant, Third Baseman, Chicago Cubs Statistics: .292 batting average, 121 runs scored, 39 home runs, 102 runs batted in, 8 stolen bases  Daniel Murphy, Second Baseman, Washington Nationals … Continue reading MLB Awards Finalists Announced

Final 2016 MLB Power Rankings

Photo Credit: wallpapercave.com (featured image), ESPN (team logos) Records and postseason records are indicated next to each team.    Chicago Cubs (103-58-1, 11-6)  Cleveland Indians (94-67, 10-5)  Los Angeles Dodgers (91-71, 5-6)  Toronto Blue Jays (89-73, 5-4)  Washington Nationals (95-67, 2-3)  San Francisco Giants (87-75, 2-3)  Boston Red Sox (93-69, 0-3)  Baltimore Orioles (89-73, 0-1)  New York Mets (87-75, 0-1)  Texas Rangers (95-67, 0-3)  St. Louis Cardinals … Continue reading Final 2016 MLB Power Rankings

November 3rd MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: wallpapercave.com (featured image), ESPN (team logos) November 3rd, 2016– Records, postseason records, and trends are indicated next to each team. The trends reflect movement from the previous power rankings. These power rankings are based on streaks, record over the past 10 games, overall record, and overall run differential. The combination of that is what allows there to be daily movement, and even some large jumps and … Continue reading November 3rd MLB Power Rankings & Trends

2016 MLB Awards Predictions

Photo Credit: V Tool Showcases (featured image), ESPN (team logos) NATIONAL LEAGUE MOST VALUABLE PLAYER  Kris Bryant, Third Baseman, Chicago Cubs Statistics: .292 batting average, 121 runs scored, 39 home runs, 102 runs batted in, 8 stolen bases Analysis: Kris Bryant deserves to be the NL MVP for the amazing statistical season he had and the positive impact he had on the Cubs’ remarkable season. He was not … Continue reading 2016 MLB Awards Predictions

November 2nd MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: wallpapercave.com (featured image), ESPN (team logos) November 2nd, 2016– Records, postseason records, and trends are indicated next to each team. The trends reflect movement from the previous power rankings. These power rankings are based on streaks, record over the past 10 games, overall record, and overall run differential. The combination of that is what allows there to be daily movement, and even some large jumps and … Continue reading November 2nd MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Cocaine, Alcohol Found in Fernandez’s Body During Autopsy

Photo Credit: FOX Sports During the autopsy of the late Jose Fernandez, who died in a boating accident on September 25th and was a starting pitcher for the Miami Marlins, it was found that he had both cocaine in alcohol in his system. He was legally drunk with a blood-alcohol concentration level of .147, nearly twice the legal limit. Fernandez was just 24 years young when … Continue reading Cocaine, Alcohol Found in Fernandez’s Body During Autopsy

November 1st MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: wallpapercave.com (featured image), ESPN (team logos) November 1st, 2016– Records, postseason records, and trends are indicated next to each team. The trends reflect movement from the previous power rankings. These power rankings are based on streaks, record over the past 10 games, overall record, and overall run differential. The combination of that is what allows there to be daily movement, and even some large jumps and … Continue reading November 1st MLB Power Rankings & Trends

October 31st MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: wallpapercave.com (featured image), ESPN (team logos) October 31st, 2016– Records, postseason records, and trends are indicated next to each team. The trends reflect movement from the previous power rankings. These power rankings are based on streaks, record over the past 10 games, overall record, and overall run differential. The combination of that is what allows there to be daily movement, and even some large jumps and … Continue reading October 31st MLB Power Rankings & Trends

October 30th MLB Power Rankings & Trends

Photo Credit: wallpapercave.com (featured image), ESPN (team logos) October 30th, 2016– Records, postseason records, and trends are indicated next to each team. The trends reflect movement from the previous power rankings. These power rankings are based on streaks, record over the past 10 games, overall record, and overall run differential. The combination of that is what allows there to be daily movement, and even some large jumps and … Continue reading October 30th MLB Power Rankings & Trends