The truth about sexual assault in sports

Photo Credit: Vox Until recently, the only time the Larry Nassar sexual abuse scandal, which has been known about for years, got any news coverage whatsoever was when a “high-profile” gymnast accused him of sexual assault. But let’s be honest — it’s gymnastics, not football. Unless you’re like really into that or really into the Olympics when it takes place once every four years, “household … Continue reading The truth about sexual assault in sports

Aly Raisman decided to speak at Larry Nassar’s sentencing after all and it was pure fire

Photo Credit: Boston Herald After initially declaring on Twitter that she would not be attending the sentencing for Larry Nassar, the disgraced former Michigan State and United States Gymnastics doctor, 23-year-old Needham, Massachusetts native Aly Raisman decided she would attend and speak at the sentencing after all. I will not be attending the sentencing because it is too traumatic for me. My impact letter will … Continue reading Aly Raisman decided to speak at Larry Nassar’s sentencing after all and it was pure fire