Chris Sale Sent Home for Cutting Up White Sox Throwback Jerseys

Photo Credit: Bleacher Report

Tonight when White Sox Nation heard that Chris Sale was scratched from his start against the Detroit Tigers sent home “ill”, everyone began texting and tweeting, preparing for the trade they all thought was certain to come. Then, news came out about a non-physical altercation in the clubhouse. While fans all over the nation were speculating about what happened, nobody would have ever expected the news that came.

The Chicago White Sox had a 1976 jersey night promotion against the Detroit Tigers set for this evening, with the first few thousand fans to show up at the ballpark receiving a throwback jersey. Along with the fans getting a jersey, the White Sox were to wear them as well. However, All-Star pitcher Chris Sale did not seem to like the look too or the feel of the jerseys too much. Sale has been said to have physically cut up the jerseys, forcing the White Sox to wear different throwback uniforms.

Sale, who has been a trade target for the Los Angles Dodgers and Texas Rangers, is expected by many to be traded before the August 1st trade deadline. We will not know until later how much tonight’s conflict with the front office will have on his trade stock, but it does seem like he could use a different setting. This is not the first time the White Sox ace has butt heads with White Sox vice president Kenny Williams. After Adam LaRoche was let go from the team over his son being in the clubhouse during games, Chris Sale defended LaRoche and went after Kenny Williams over the decision. It is a common theme for players to stand by players and for upper management to not see eye to eye with the players on the field, but tonight, many can agree that Chris Sale crossed the line.

We will have to wait and see about a potential  trade for now, but one thing is for sure, the cookie is crumbling on the south side of Chicago.